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出口监管仓是储存已对外卖断结汇并向海关办完全部出口手续货物的专门仓库。利用出口仓出口货物,主要是为了提高流通效率,减低各种成本,增强出口货物在国际市场的竞争能力。出口监管仓里的货物,一样得报关。只有报关,办结监管手续的货物,也就是结了关的货物,才能装上运输工具,一般货先进仓,然后再凭拖运书等去海关报关。 保税区 保税区出口集拼三大优势: 1.保税区出口集拼适合各种性质的企业进行集拼: 案例:A工厂是国内一般贸易客户,出口需退税。B工厂是加工贸易企业,需出口核销。C工厂是国内没有进出口权的工厂,出口只能买单报关。 采购商希望把这三种性质的企业的产品集拼后出口,国内普通仓库是不能完成这种形式的集拼。但保税区可以解决以上问题。根据流程图,以上三间企业分别送货到保税区。因为保税区有境内关外的政策优势,国内的货物进入保税区即等于出口(手续与其他口岸的出口手续一样)。A工厂的货物出口到保税后即可办理退税,B工厂是加工贸易企业,货物出口到保税区后即可核销。C工厂没进出口权即买单出口,我司可协助调汇进境。 2.境内外货物同时可以在保税区集拼,境外货物免税且自由通关进入保税区。 福田保税区是香港延伸地,香港与其他境外的货物进入福保还等同于留在境外,而且可以自由进出,免增税、免批文。福田保税有专用通道连接香港,进出境只需打EDI单登记,换句话说货物储存在福保和储存在香港是完全一样。 案例:保税区出口包装集拼项目,产品为笔记本套件:鼠标、散热器、音箱、包材 国内供应A把出口鼠标到保税区、国内供应商B出口散热器到保税区、台湾供应商C经香港码头送货保到保税区(或经深圳码头转关到保税区),在这个过程中,AB供应商出口到保税区既可以退税或核销,台湾供应商C免税且自由通关进入保税区。另一包材供应商把包材出口到保税区,对以上套件进行包装、分拣、贴唛等等简单加工内容。 3.出口方式众多:香港本地、码头机场、深圳码头机场。 首先,福田保税区有专用一号通道连接香港,不需要经过黄岗、文锦度等口岸。香港与保税区之前运输是用香港本地车,成本比市场上的两地牌照中港车低很多,而且香港码头送货到香港本地仓和香港码头送货到福保的费用相当。 福保位于盐田和蛇口码头之间、比起那些针对性强的盐田保税区和蛇口保税区更具有先择性强。 实例5——中山的W工厂将海格仓库作为一个成品集货基地,生产出来的电器产品由中山出口转关至福田保税区进海格仓库存放。待世界各地有需求时,由码头提取空柜至海格仓库装货,不仅可以用香港车经一号通道交柜至香港码头,也可用国内车经福田保税区海关转关至盐田港/蛇口港出境,非常灵活方便。 点评用于集散货品方便、成本低。 实例6——福田保税区代替香港仓库 享有中国最开放政策的福田保税区被称作“境内的香港仓库”,中转功能和香港完全一样。实行“境内关外”的运作模式,货物从香港自由进出保税区,不用报关只需简单备案,而且有专用通道与香港直通,原料从香港码头下船后在1个小时内就可直接运进保税区,具备了香港作为物流中心的一切条件。City Union import business team is familiar with Chinese Customs policy and regulation, the procedure of import operation. City Union set up EDI connection with Customs to arrange customs clearance for worldwide customers timely and efficiently. We also offer customs consult services for our customers, such as integrated tariff plan, customs risk evaluation and settlement, etc.
1.City Union arrange the import shipments fm worldwide to China by sea and air through our global agent net and offer safe, on time sailing schedule and competitive freight.
2. City Union, under the trader term of EXW, offer services of transportation ex factory to the terminal, loading, customs declaration, fumigation, etc.
3. City Union handle the transportation for triangle trade business through own agent network.
1. CS offer efficient and exact HS code consultant and classification.
2. OP team have rich port operational experiences which can help us to offer exact and superior service of customs clearance, trans-customs clearance, inspection declaration for various cargos.
3. City Union handle the returning cargos, temporary import and export shipment, exhibition shipment
City Union have warehouse of 110 thousand square meters with perfect facilities and equipment, offer storage transfer, loading and unloading, cargo tallying, logistics information handling, etc.
City Union offer Break bulk service, Roll-roll service, container transportation service, feeder service, distribution service
Import OOG cargos, including customs and inspection declaration, terminal loading and unloading, inland transportation, feeder transportation, installation, etc.
Consult of mark usage for import foods and dangerous cargos, customs and inspection declaration, port reservation of original container, inland transportation.
One-stop service for customs and inspection declaration, trans-customs, storage and distribution in logistics park and bonded area.
1.City Union arrange the import shipments fm worldwide to China by sea and air through our global agent net and offer safe, on time sailing schedule and competitive freight.
2. City Union, under the trader term of EXW, offer services of transportation ex factory to the terminal, loading, customs declaration, fumigation, etc.
3. City Union handle the transportation for triangle trade business through own agent network.
1. CS offer efficient and exact HS code consultant and classification.
2. OP team have rich port operational experiences which can help us to offer exact and superior service of customs clearance, trans-customs clearance, inspection declaration for various cargos.
3. City Union handle the returning cargos, temporary import and export shipment, exhibition shipment
City Union have warehouse of 110 thousand square meters with perfect facilities and equipment, offer storage transfer, loading and unloading, cargo tallying, logistics information handling, etc.
City Union offer Break bulk service, Roll-roll service, container transportation service, feeder service, distribution service
Import OOG cargos, including customs and inspection declaration, terminal loading and unloading, inland transportation, feeder transportation, installation, etc.
Consult of mark usage for import foods and dangerous cargos, customs and inspection declaration, port reservation of original container, inland transportation.
One-stop service for customs and inspection declaration, trans-customs, storage and distribution in logistics park and bonded area.