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☆ 中国—巴基斯坦KARACHI P港
☆ 中国—巴基斯坦KARACHI K港
提供APL、CMA、YML、OOCL、ZIM、HMM 等直达船供客户选择。航程一般在16天,我司可为客户申请目的港21天或者28天用箱时间。公司在杭州保税物流中心拥有3000平方米的保税仓库,可以操作即进即出(一日游)、深加工结转、保税仓储、国际中转和转口贸易等业务。
公司拥有强大的仓储能力和物流整合能力,能满足不同种类货物的仓储需要。为客户制定详细的业务计划,并持续不断地优化物流环节,提供最专业最优质的物流仓储服务。* export container booking: take delivery of the booking information electronically with the shipping company to ensure the accuracy of booking and to realize door-to-door transportation of the goods.
* import and export LCL services: import and export directly spell more than 30 ports worldwide, and transit inland.
* iron, sea and river intermodal services: through railway, river, to achieve inland port cargo one-stop intermodal.
* freight transportation insurance service: provide insurance on goods transportation under all kinds of trade modes.
* special goods and dangerous goods transportation services: provide optimized packing, reinforcement and transportation services for all kinds of large and complex goods, and provide goods booking and shipping declaration for dangerous goods.
☆ 中国—巴基斯坦KARACHI P港
☆ 中国—巴基斯坦KARACHI K港
提供APL、CMA、YML、OOCL、ZIM、HMM 等直达船供客户选择。航程一般在16天,我司可为客户申请目的港21天或者28天用箱时间。公司在杭州保税物流中心拥有3000平方米的保税仓库,可以操作即进即出(一日游)、深加工结转、保税仓储、国际中转和转口贸易等业务。
公司拥有强大的仓储能力和物流整合能力,能满足不同种类货物的仓储需要。为客户制定详细的业务计划,并持续不断地优化物流环节,提供最专业最优质的物流仓储服务。* export container booking: take delivery of the booking information electronically with the shipping company to ensure the accuracy of booking and to realize door-to-door transportation of the goods.
* import and export LCL services: import and export directly spell more than 30 ports worldwide, and transit inland.
* iron, sea and river intermodal services: through railway, river, to achieve inland port cargo one-stop intermodal.
* freight transportation insurance service: provide insurance on goods transportation under all kinds of trade modes.
* special goods and dangerous goods transportation services: provide optimized packing, reinforcement and transportation services for all kinds of large and complex goods, and provide goods booking and shipping declaration for dangerous goods.