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海运进出口货物国际运输代理业务、陆运进出口货物国际运输代理业务,空运进出口货物国际运输代理业务以及国际多式联运的代理。自营和代理各类商品和技术的进出口业务。国内沿江沿海的货物运输代理业务。包括揽货、订舱、配载、报关、验货、报检、监装、保险、签发全程提单、 currently operating on an aggressive strategy to satisfy different demands of its customers, and to keep up with the fast growing economy boom of China. Being an alliance with agents, co-loaders, airliners and shipping companies, with branches and agents all over China costal cities and the world main ports, INTIME is able to provide the best service at the best price. The choices of carriers and schedules are at your fingertips.